Community Unity Story Telling Project
Community Unity Story Telling Project
Story Telling
Our Mission
Our Impact
Why a Story Exchange?
TERJA’s Community Unity Video Voices exchange project links diverse students across communities to collaborate over a large scale and prevent and solve local, regional, and global issues of concern. As Students are given opportunities to speak up and hear others, they can collaborate to help us find creative solutions to different global issues.
The TERJA Community Unity Story Exchange Project creates the opportunity for students in the United States to interact with international students from all over the world through a video story exchange program. Our team facilitates these partnerships and works with students of partnering schools to create and share video stories about their lives and communities. There is no charge for services, under most circumstances.
Through TERJA Community Unity Story Exchange, Student
One Voice at a Time
Stories that inspire and compel children and youth can create a positive impact on the world, one child at a time. You have the power to make a difference.
By exchanging videos
Students will gain an understanding of each other’s lives, learn to respect each other’s differences, and accept each other without sacrificing their own authentic selves. In fact, it is probable that they discover deeper aspects of their own authenticity, which will lead to a common ground for all.
By participating in the program
Individuals are able to build meaningful connections and bridges that enable them to contribute their own strengths and skills to an inclusive network that connects people from around the world to exchange ideas, share opinions, find solutions, and promote mutual understanding.